Dimitar Gogov – Game & Graphic Designer

Endless planet-saving game

Platformer puzel game

Think outside the box!

We are indie game developer, born in Bulgaria. Our mission is to realize our crazy and insane ideas to the world! We are the people, who made METEOR RUSH (earlier ASTEROID ATTACK), WORDINIUS, RED-PANTS-ADVENTURES & ARENA SMASH.

We also make DESIGN (logo-design, stickers, brochures, etc.) for some companies, like NICE WATER COMPANY JSC, LADY ENVY LTD, etc.

More info at: business.veseliestudios.com

founder & CEO


Yong and ambitious, Dimitar Gogov is the founder and current CEO of Veselie Studios Ltd. He is part of all projects from the company.

Send us a message!

If you have a question, you have an idia you want to realize, we are the people… Text us

(+359) 888 01 8805


d.gogov@veseliestudios.com / founder

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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